Monday, October 4, 2010

Offseason Training: What to expect?

It looks as though our 2010 competitive season is drawing to a close.  It has been a wonderful and exciting year.  2010 has brought new accomplishments for our business and racing Team.  We have seen several new athletes compete in their very first triathlons, and have also seen several PR's for others.  We have enjoyed meeting new people at events and training sessions and getting to know them.  We have also enjoyed spreading the word about our training motto:


It is no secret that we approach training a little bit differently than other teams at NCE TRI!  I have personally witnessed the impressive physiological adaptations of training with a purpose versus training to fill a block of time.  Although the training sessions are very intense and focused, they do allow the body to respond to the stress in a very intriguing way.

It gets stronger.

Interestingly enough, our data seems to reveal another compelling benefit to the training sessions.

You get faster.

If you're wondering why your speed average stays the same on the bicycle year after year, it could be because you're stuck in a rut of doing the same thing over and over again.

If you currently ride at 19 mph on your favorite ride and want to average 22 mph, (notwithstanding making some aerodynamic breakthroughs) you have two choices:

1.  Pedal faster
2.  Pedal harder.

That's it!

No amount of chugging along at 19 mph will ever get you to one day magically explode into a 22 mph speed average!  If all you ever do is grind along at 19 mph, you will get very good at one thing:

Going 19 mph!

If the body is exposed to training stress that is above its current level of fitness, it will find ways to adapt.   In order to improve, the body needs a structured exposure to stress and recovery.  You need to train in the correct zone for the correct amount of time and allow the body to compensate for the increased workload.

That's why it is of the utmost importance to determine your level of fitness and train around it.  At NICE TRI!, we will conduct an initial lactate threshold test to determine your Functional Threshold Power (FTP-the power that you can sustain for 60 minutes) and lactate threshold heart rate (LTHR). We will then create a program that will put the correct quality and quantity of training stress on your system to allow you to experience a never-before-seen level of fitness.

Your run protocol will be structured the same way.  You will conduct a 5k fitness test and receive a training program that is structured around that level of fitness.

Some people go to a triathlon for a good workout and to enjoy the venue.  Although we do enjoy a nice workout, it's even more fun to pay $70 for an entry fee when you actually beat some of the other competitors!

Please contact us about an initial consultation and testing protocol.  We are still accepting athletes for the 2011 racing season.  We train in beautiful Canandaigua, NY, and have access to some of the most helpful training devices and testing strategies in triathlon.  We also have a full stable of Zipp race wheels for rent to compliment a season of hard training, and offer nutrition strategies for exercise and daily living.

Offseason training for Ironman on 8-12 hours per week.

Your fastest season ever.

Train Hard.  Race easy.

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